It was my first jewellery exhibition and it was one hell of an experience. I was nervous about people's reaction to my handmade jewellery and also the fact that I didn't have enough stuff to display. But I still decided to take part to know the response. I went with an open mind so selling 15 jewellery pieces was a really morale boost.

Though I didn't make much of a profit because the stall charge was pretty high but I was on cloud nine after I sold my first piece. It is a great feeling when your creativity is appreciated.
But the overall experience of having stall in an exhibition was one I would never forget. I was alarmed at the rates the organizers was charging for booking a stall. I guess it goes without saying people in management in every field make more money. They give you free advice to make you work more, so less to manage so less work but more money for them. When I reached the venue I wasn't so sure why they were called organizers because all I saw was tables without even table cloth and some kind of cheap pandal that too covering only a small area. I was given a stall inside the club house and while I was arranging the jewellery, I heard people fighting for a stall outside so that they would be visible. It was a valid point since the food stalls were outside and it is a usual tendency that people crowd around food stalls.
The funny part was since we joined the group of the people who wanted to be shifted outside, me and another three people were given spots in the open and the unpredictable Bangalore weather gave us a good adventure. Every time we sat down, it would start to drizzle and we had to hold tarpaulin sheet over our stall to protect our items and to add to our woes, strong winds started knocking off the sheets from our hands.
And then disaster struck, it started pouring heavily and I got completely drenched as I was gathering all my items. It was almost time to close, but since the organizers had received a good amount of criticism, they extended the time and shifted the tables to the clubhouse. Luckily since Iam more organized :-), the spare table cloth I carried came handy and I set up the stall again inside. I sold couple of items after that so it wasn't a total waste.
I learnt my lesson, this is India so question about even the essential arrangements before you pay.